

Holiday! holiday! holiday!

The Vacation for the 2021 Second term academic session commenced on the 20th of march.
Students are expected to be in the school premises on the 25th of March for our Easter Celebration and collection of results.

Emergency Vacation

The Federal Government of Nigeria has ordered that all schools shut down as a result of the insecurity in Nigeria.
Parents are expection to pick their wards on Saturday the 16th of May while await a new resumption date.

School fees

Parents are expected to pay the 2021 third academic term's school fees before the resumption date.
The sum of 2000 Naira only!


The termly P.T.A meeting would commence on the 20th of may by 8 am prompt. Immediately after students have settled in their classes
Compulsory payments for the P.T.A fee of the sum of 1000 Naira only would be accepted on that day.

Interhouse Sports

The 17th annual interhouse sports commenced last term.
It was a successful event and we thank all who contributed to it.

Graduation Ceremony!

The 33rd annual graduation ceremony is scheduled to be on the 23rd of June 2021.
All graduating students should complete their outstanding payments before the date and pay for the graduation gown.